2025 application portal is OPEN.
All applications are considered between December and April for the upcoming summer internship. Successful applicants will be notified on a rolling basis (there are no notifications if your application is not selected). Your application is completed once we receive your application and your reference letter(s).
Please note that our department is committed to diversity and inclusion efforts and supports additional internships with the Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program. All SHURP students who work in BCMP laboratories are cross-appointed as BCMP Scholars. To apply to SHURP please visit their website.
We welcome applications from students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program and who are eligible to work in the U.S.
Outstanding students from foreign institutions can apply with prior approval. Please contact our coordinators with a copy of your resume.
Please note that only the selected applicants will receive a notice (usually within 2-8 weeks).
Minimum Requirement. Prospective internship students must meet the following requirements:
Expect to receive a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S. or its equivalent from a foreign institution.
Have earned at least a 3.6 grade-point-average (on a 4 point scale).
Be proficient in English.
For laboratory internships: completed at least one laboratory course in biochemistry/molecular biology, or at least one research project.
For computational internships: proficiency in Python and working knowledge of a UNIX-like operating system.
Specific Instructions:
1. Coversheet Form:
Enter your contact information
References: Please enter one or two referees. If you have past research experience one of your referees should be familiar with your laboratory work.
The second reference letter is optional. Specific Instructions:-
Please mark 'Email notify writer on submit' checkbox
Complete name, email, and affiliation field
Leave the remaining two checkboxes unchecked
Once you submit your cover sheet your referees will get an email message telling them how to log in and submit the letters.The process is documented on the FAQ website.
2. Upload/application form
Please answer all questions
EEO Section is optional
Please upload the required documents:
a) Cover letter (limited to 1 page). Please address the following points:
Educational background in support of your internship
Past research experience
Important: Please identify one laboratory or group that matches your interest and justify your selection
(listing at https://www.scholars.hms.harvard.edu/faculty). Please note that laboratories that have accepted students in the past are more likely to review your application (see the About Page for the list of our former students and their summer PIs) -
Our program typically starts on the first Monday in June, and last 10 weeks. Moreover, please note that all students are expected to join program activities scheduled during the first two weekends of the program and on most Thursday evenings.
Please indicate if you have any conflicts.
c) Transcript (an unofficial copy is OK)
b) Resume (limited to 2 pages)
3. How to Contact Us?
Please review all the information provided on this website carefully, and if you have additional questions please include them in the cover letter with your application (we have very limited capacity to respond to email inquiries). If your application is selected for a follow-up interview you will have an opportunity to ask additional questions. The BCMP summer internship program is coordinated by Profs. Piotr Sliz and Stephen Buratowski and by Yolima Lantigua.