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New laboratory participating in the BCMP Summer Scholar Program

  • The del Mármol Lab 
    Focus on understanding the olfactory system of mosquitoes and other disease vectors that use their sense of smell to find and bite humans, thereby transmitting deadly diseases like malaria, dengue and yellow fever. 

Laboratories* that accepted students in previous years:

*for the complete list of BCMP laboratories, please visit the departmental website


  • Devlin Laboratory 
    Focus on the human microbiome and how to control the chemistry of human-associated bacteria in order to understand how the microbiome affects human health and disease.


Gene Regulation:

  • Arthanari Laboratory 
    Hari's work on novel pulse sequences, pulse designs, labeling strategies, and sampling schemes let his group push the boundaries of NMR as a technique, allowing him to tackle larger systems by NMR.

  • Blacklow Laboratory 
    Focus on how other proteins genetically implicated in the Notch pathway modulate signaling in normal and cancer contexts. Priorities include understanding the molecular mechanism of normal and pathogenic activation by ADAM-family metalloproteases, elucidating how Notch cooperates with other factors to control target gene transcription and understanding how negative feedback regulators fine-tune signaling.

  • Eck Laboratory 
    Focus on the biochemical and biophysical methods (including X-ray crystallography and cryo electron microscopy) to distill problems of central importance in cancer biology to their structural and mechanistic essentials; especially interested in the structure and regulation of kinases and their mutational activation in cancer, and in using structural approaches to facilitate development of anti-cancer drugs.

  • Fischer Laboratory
    Focus on the mechanistic principles that govern signaling through the ubiquitin proteasome system - to propose and test new avenues of therapeutic intervention, such as targeted protein degradation or SPLiNTs. The group has contributed to the now widespread application of targeted protein degradation in drug development and as a powerful tool to study biology.

  • James Chou Laboratory 
    Focus on the molecular mechanism of membrane channels, receptors, and transporters. 

  • Kruse Laboratory 
    Focus on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and non-canonical signal transduction pathways. 

  • Springer Laboratory 
    Focus on receptor-ligand interactions and transmembrane signal transmission that are relevant to immunology, hemostasis, and human disease using structural, cell biological, and single molecule techniques. A unifying theme is how force interacts with protein conformational change to activate integrins, von Willebrand factor, transforming growth factor-beta family proteins, and adhesins on malaria sporozoites.

  • Wu Laboratory 
    Focus on elucidating the molecular mechanism of signal transduction by immune receptors, especially innate immune receptors.

Medicinal Chemistry:

  • Buhrlage Laboratory 
    Focus on first-in-class inhibitors and prototype drugs against deubiquitinating enzymes.


Computational Biology:


Other groups with potential openings:

  • Kevin Struhl, Gerhard Wagner, Sun Hur, and other BCMP faculty

  • Drosophila [not just] RNAi screening core.

  • Genomics - The Cohort Study Project at Boston Children's Hospital has multiple openings for students that are interested in working with investigators on sequencing and data analysis projects in a variety of disease areas including neurological, endocrine, psychiatric, gastric and more.

Graduate Programs affiliated with Harvard Medical School:

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